About Me

Hi! Welcome to my Writing Café! I’m Sarah, what can I get you? A coffee? A warm home-made scone? Relax and stay as long as you like. 

I fell in love with writing in second grade when my teacher allowed me to write stories at my desk while the rest of the class danced around the room to music. Blogging is a way for me to continue my love for writing and an avenue for sharing that passion with others. It’s so easy to let laundry, parenting, teaching, cooking and a hundred other things on my to-do list fill in every second of every day without even a thought of balance or creativity crossing my mind. I want to stop, take a minute, sip a coffee, and connect with what gives me, as a unique individual, refreshment, joy, and clarity. Join me! Who knows? Maybe you will be nudged to create moments of doing what you love to brighten your day too.

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