Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Hope Week #2: The Hope of Heaven

Faith gives us the hope of heaven. There is a place we cannot see but we believe we have access to its reality through our faith in the grace and forgiveness of a loving God who has prepared a place for us. What does heaven look like to you? A friend recently shared a Scripture: Psalm 56: 8 which tells about the tossing and turning of grief, tears shed and kept in bottles by God (The Living Bible translation). Her honesty about life inspired me to write this poem. May the hope of heaven give us greater strength for today.

Morning in Paradise

 I awoke to


Rays beaming, bright 

My eyes, squinting

Air swirling, gently

Lifting me

Up from slumber

Pulling me to a sandy shore


Sinking into sand, soft

Sparkling white

Eyes open finally 


Dazzled by

Emeralds glistening, gliding, splashing 

In waves

Against my bare ankles

This sea calling to me

Suddenly I dive in

Head under

Skin slipping through coolness, refreshing

Then floating on my back

Looking into clear sapphires, shining

Diving once more under

Looking, searching, discovering

A thousand maybe, but not two

Tiny bottles, nestled

Cozy in the sandy bottom of this sea

Resting, waiting

Voices draw me back to the surface

 I hear laughter, giggles

I cannot see the faces

For I am here in paradise

Waiting for you

On this beautiful beach now

Surrounded by the music of 

Joy, rising



From hearts


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